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Learning opportunities in OUSPG

As digitalisation deepens and spreads to new areas of life, the need to ensure and safeguard its operations also increases. The University of Oulu strengthens the training of cyber security experts. The training will focus on the technical competence needed to ensure cyber security. OUSPG also takes part for the new cyber security curriculum. We currently offer several public resources which are used as a part of our teaching.


All OUSPG courses

Cryptographic systems and their weaknesses521254SLink
Cyber Security II: Cloud and Network SecurityIC00AJ73Link
Cyber Security III: Software and Hardware SecurityIC00AJ74Link
Cyber Security ProjectIC00AK16Link
Embedded Software Project521275ALink
Empirical Research in Computer Security521246SLink
International Crisis Management (CriM)521252SLink
Introduction to Cyber Security TestingIC00AI82Link
Privacy and Social EngineeringIC00AI83Link
Software Engineering521457ALink
Software Project521479SLink

FITech courses (online)

We have currently one course, which is completely available online through FITech platform

Other relevant courses

Cyber Security I: Ethical Hacking (by UBICOMP)IC00AJ64Link
Modern Cryptography521244SLink


Many of the courses are using similar practicalities and concepts on how they will be arranged. You will find the common information here.

Contact channels

At the moment, courses are using a single Slack Workspace as the primary contact and discussion channel for teaching purposes. You can join in there with your email address. For other inquiries, use

Slack Workspace

Laboratory and virtual machine instructions

Exercises themselves require sometimes the use of multiple different operating systems, e.g. Windows and different Linux distributions.

A brief overview of how to get them locally in physical laboratory classes and remotely is introduced in the following link.

Virtual machine instructions

GitHub Classroom instructions

Most of the courses are utilising GitHub for providing the exercise assignments and related material, and also as a return platform (GitHub Classroom). Instruction pointer for using GitHub Classroom to return your assignments is available here.

GitHub instructions